Humans is the grows from time to time Come from the kingdom Animalia, In class Mammalia, and Family Hominida. Included in the order in Primates in Genus Homo, and in Homo Sapiens Species. This is the scientific classification of human. Homo sapiens is found in years before now, exactly in 1758.
Modern human has a unique and greater part of body than primates or any human before recent years. We are the only extant members of the homonym clade. The only things that make human different from animals is brain and feeling.
The human has an unique brain which can solve any problem the human faces. The scientist found that the evolutionary success that human’s brain grows bigger and bigger. So that is why our brain is larger than before. The others great news is we have prefrontal cortex, a particularly well-developed neocortex, and temporal lobes which is as the why human can has levels of abstract reasoning, problem solving, language, sociality, and culture.
Human use any tools higher and better than any animals in the world. Other unique things of humans are they can adept on utilizing aome systems of symbolic communication. The communication can be language and art for the as well as they can have self-expression.
Humans can also create a complex structure of sociality like groups such as family and also kinship networks. The interaction between human to human will form a values like social norms, rituals, and any activity they made. This phenomena has been running since the thousands or million years ago.
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