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the benefiets of technologiy implementation in education

The Benefits of Technology Implementation in Education Basically, technology is created to ease humans’ work. Nowadays technology has become the primary needs of humans. Even technology has been used in all aspects of human life, such as in the fields of medicine, communications, military, transportation and education. From those various fields, the implementation of technology in education is still very limited. In reality, the implementation of technology is more widely used in the field of entertainment. This utilization will actually cause a lot of problems such as abuse and harm to the health. Nevertheless, if implemented in education, technology can assist and accelerate educational purposes. Here are some advantages of the application of technology in education. Technology can help teachers teach It can be a tool for teachers to convey their teaching materials to students. With the use of technology in the learning process, teachers can deliver course material with very easy and effective. Teachers who teach using the technology will usually be easier to achieve their learning goals. Technology will spark teachers’ creativity It can create creativity sense of teachers. They can be more creative in creating teaching methods. With it, they will be encouraged to be creative because the technology is just a tool that requires a person to operate it. Without teachers, it cannot affect in education optimally. Technology helps students learn Implementation of technology in teaching and learning will make students more interested in following lessons. If students are interested in what the teacher taught, it is not necessary to ask students to be serious in learning because students will be active automatically and will not feel the boredom due to learning. Technology can create exciting learning activities With the technology teachers can create exciting learning atmosphere. It is very good to trigger the students’ understanding in learning so that they will understand quickly what is conveyed by the teacher. In addition, the students also will not feel bored because they would love to learn with learning methods that is interesting. Make students easy to find source of learning Technology information especially internet, provides a wide range of learning resources that can be accessed by students anytime and anywhere. They can get all the references that they need for free. The more they learned from different sources, the smarter students will be. Technology can raise school standards Schools which are using technology in the teaching process will improve their quality. The school will be favorite school and become a destination for students to study at the school. Technology makes students have wide insight Students who use the technology properly will have extensive knowledge. They can get the latest information or the development of the world quickly. Even they can be active in the international forums of communication that can train them to be proactive students. Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the technology is very useful in education world especially good for teachers, students and schools. Therefore education practitioners should use technology in education


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