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indonesian cultural existen ce almost disappears in its own home

Indonesian Cultural Existence almost Disappears in its Own Home Indonesia is a country that has various cultures. This culture diversity occurs because Indonesia country consists of hundreds of islands where each island has its own culture. However, currently Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because eroded by the times. There are so many factor that make Indonesia’s culture is in danger. Those factors are from inside and outside. Through this paper, the authors will describe those factors that cause the endangerment of native Indonesian culture. Here are two paragraphs that discussing those factors: The first is factor from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s culture existence in its own home is caused by its own people that ignore their culture especially for teenagers. They are lulled by modern life and started to forget the values which is inherited by their ancestors. For example, local languages, cultural ceremony, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in society. Now, we could see no one wants to use local language because they are embarrassed called plebeian. Besides the teenagers who do not care anymore with the culture, government also less responsive in dealing with this problem. There is no real attempt from government to sustain Indonesians culture. The second is external factors. The Rapid flow of information which comes to Indonesia also effects the erosion of Indonesian culture. Many foreign cultures, especially Western cultures have come and grew in Indonesia. Those western cultures are incompatible with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It also gives bad effect in Indonesian’s norm as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the fashions of clothing that does not conform to the norms, habits drunk, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia. In short, the reduction of Indonesian culture existence in his own country as a result of several factors. They are inside and outside factors. For maintaining the continuity of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own culture. Especially we as young people do not feel embarrassed to preserve our culture and also stem western cultures which come into our country. If we have lost our original culture means we have lost our own national identity.


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