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The danger of smoking

The Danger Of Smooking About the dangers of smoking in general, I feel I have much to know, especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, because it’s in every pack of cigarettes there are writings about the dangers of smoking, such as this. SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, HEART ATTACK, impotence AND PREGNANCY AND FETAL DISORDERS. But surprisingly despite the pack or packs of cigarettes are contained writings about the dangers of smoking are very scary, still many who smoke. Cigarettes contain more than four thousand substances and two thousand of them have been declared impact is not good for our health, such as radioactive materials (polonium-201) and materials used in the paint (acetone), washing the floor (ammonia), ubat silverfish (naphthalene), insecticide (DDT), termite poison (arsenic), toxic gases (hydrogen cyanide) used in the “death chamber” for pesalah who undergo the death penalty, and many more. And substances in cigarettes are the most dangerous is the Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains approximately forty three ingredients that cause cancer or called by carcinogens. Nicotine has a substance in cigarettes that can cause addiction, which led to these users is very difficult to quit cigarette smoking. Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that cause heart disease risk, 25 percent of people with heart disease caused by smoking Here is the danger of smoking on our health : cigarettes can cause cancer piss pot, Stomach cancer, Intestinal and uterine cancer, Oral cancer, Esophageal cancer, Pharynx cancer, Cancer pankrias, Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Chronic respiratory diseases Stroke, pengkroposan bone, known as osteoporosis Heart disease, Sterility, Disconnect the initial period, Gave birth to babies with disabilities Miscarriage baby, Bronchitis, Cough, Peptic ulcer disease, Emfisima, Muscle weakness, Gum disease, Damage to the eye Mentioned above are the dangers of smoking for current smokers, active smokers what? Active smokers are people who smoke directly inhaled cigarette, whereas passive smokers are people who do not directly inhale smoke, but inhale cigarette smoke issued from the mouths of people who are smoking. Below are the dangers of secondhand smoke for nonsmokers. Increase the risk of lung cancer and heart disease Respiratory problems including pneumonia and bronchitis Sore or painful eyes Sneezing and coughing Sore throat Headache The substances contained in tobacco smoke are: 2 times more nicotine 5 times more carbon monoxide 3 times more tar 50 times more chemicals that are hazardous to health Dangers of cigarette smoke on pregnant women and fetuses Miscarried fetus Tumbesaran fetal terencat – 30% higher The death of the fetus in the womb Bleeding from the afterbirth (placenta abruption) Reduced weight – 20 to 30% Dangers of secondhand smoke on infant Problems and respiratory diseases Disrupt the development of intelligence Outbreaks of ear Leukeamia 22% of brain cancer Tired quickly Sudden death syndrome


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